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Boats of Bella Bella Boats of Bella Bella Bíbúdia La Tx̌ax̌s Wáḷísḷa

Written by Karen Hunt, Bradley Hunt

Illustrated by Shirl Hall

Language English

Level Level 2

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This is a rowboat. This is a little rowboat. This is a green rowboat. This is a little green rowboat.

This is a rowboat. This is a little rowboat. This is a green rowboat. This is a little green rowboat.

Y̓ítasúkvs bút gáx̌v. Húláɫʔukvs y̓ítasús bút gáx̌v. Tíx̌ḷásǧṃks y̓ítasús bút gáx̌v. Húláɫʔukvs tíx̌ḷásǧṃs y̓ítasúkvs bút gáx̌v.

This is an ocean-going canoe. This is a big canoe. This is a brown canoe. This is a big brown canoe.

This is an ocean-going canoe. This is a big canoe. This is a brown canoe. This is a big brown canoe.

Gḷ́w̓a gáx̌v. Q̓íkasks gḷ́w̓a gáx̌v. Q̓vḷ̓ṃ́sǧṃks gḷ̓ẃa gáx̌v. Q̓íkasks q̓vḷ̓ṃ́sǧms gḷ̓ẃa gáx̌v.

This is a canoe. This is a small canoe. This is a yellow canoe. This is a small yellow canoe.

This is a canoe. This is a small canoe. This is a yellow canoe. This is a small yellow canoe.

Xvák̓vṇá gáx̌v. Húláɫʔukvs xvák̓vṇá gáx̌v. T́x̌ḷásǧṃks xvák̓vṇá gáqv. Húlaɫʔukvs tíx̌ḷásǧms xvák̓vṇá gáx̌v.

This is a punt. This is a big punt. This punt is silver. This is a big silver punt.

This is a punt. This is a big punt. This punt is silver. This is a big silver punt.

Páṇt gáx̌v. Q̓íkasks páṇt gáx̌v. Sḷ̓basǧṃks páṇt gáx̌v. Q̓íkasks sḷ̓basǧṃs páṇt gáqv.

This is a gillnet boat. This is a small gillnet boat. This gillnet boat is white and green.

This is a gillnet boat. This is a small gillnet boat. This gillnet boat is white and green.

K̓vúkvay̓udác̓i gáx̌v. Húláɫʔukvs k̓vúkvay̓udác̓i. M̓ux̌vsṃ́ks du tíx̌sṃs k̓vúkvay̓udác̓i gáx̌v.

This is a troller. See the long poles. This troller is white and blue.

This is a troller. See the long poles. This troller is white and blue.

Dúgvac̓i gáx̌v. Dúqvḷáxs gísgḷ́ɫgas dúxvp̓íq. M̓ux̌vsṃ́k du zásḷásǧṃ dúgvac̓igax̌ga.

This is a speedboat. This is a fast boat. This is a red speedboat.

This is a speedboat. This is a fast boat. This is a red speedboat.

Q̓k̓x̌dálá gáx̌v. W̓uálaks yxálás bút gáx̌v. ƛ̓ax̌vsṃ́ q̓k̓x̌dálágax̌ga.

This is a freightboat. It brings groceries to our villages.

This is a freightboat. It brings groceries to our villages.

M̓áw̓an̓iálakin̓ua gáx̌v. M̓uálak hṃ́c̓imasxsala gáx̌ká qṇts gvuxvdṃ̓áyáx̌.

This is a tugboat. Many tugboats go by Bella Bella. This tugboat is green and orange.

This is a tugboat. Many tugboats go by Bella Bella. This tugboat is green and orange.

Dápin̓uá gáx̌v. Q̓ínámis dápin̓uá láqḷa tx̌ax̌s Wágḷísḷa. Tíx̌sṃ́k du h̓íṇzistu dápin̓uágax̌ga.

This is a sailboat. Wind blows on its sails. The sailboat is red and white.

This is a sailboat. Wind blows on its sails. The sailboat is red and white.

Yáyúa̓cxvxvs bút gáx̌v. Yuálasu yáyúʔa̓zṃgask. ƛ̓ax̌vsṃ́k du m̓ux̌vsṃ́ ya̓yúʔacxvgvas bút.

This boat ferries people. It is a very big boat. It is white and blue.

This boat ferries people. It is a very big boat. It is white and blue.

Máw̓an̓ialac̓I gáx̌v tgvánṃ́. W̓uálaka̓ukvs q̓íkass bút. M̓ux̌vsṃ́k du zásḷásǧm.

Written by: Karen Hunt, Bradley Hunt
Illustrated by: Shirl Hall
Language: English
Level 2
Editors: Evelyn Windsor, Anja Brown.
Source: Heiltsuk Language Programme, Wágḷísḷa (Bella Bella), B.C.
License: ?
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