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Sock Monster
Sock Monster
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
This is my sock.
This is my sock.
Asii sdaaging náa.ah iijii.
There is only one sock.
There is only one sock.
Sdaaging sɢ̲waansing sɢ̲un iijii.
My dad does the laundry.
My dad does the laundry.
Dii ɢ̲ung.ɢ̲a taadanjagid gang.
My dad gets mad.
My dad gets mad.
Dii ɢ̲ung.ɢ̲a st'iix̱aɢ̲ihl gang.
“Where is the partner of the socks?”
The socks are gone.
“Where is the partner of the socks?”
The socks are gone.
"Giinuu sdaagingsgaay sɢ̲waana iijii?"
Sdaagingsgaay gaw ga!
I know why.
I know why.
G̱an dii unsiida.
There is a sock monster!
There is a sock monster!
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu uu iijii!
When I go to sleep,
When I go to sleep,
Hll ḵ'aadiis gen,
The sock monster wakes up!
The sock monster comes out!
The sock monster wakes up!
The sock monster comes out!
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu skinx̱a gang!
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu ḵaaɢ̲wah!
The sock monster opens my drawer.
The sock monster opens my drawer.
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu gina ts'isjus náa.ah dang ɢ̲aasdll gang.
The sock monster eats my socks!
The sock monster is greedy!
The sock monster eats my socks!
The sock monster is greedy!
Náa.ah sdaagingsgaay Sdaaging Ham.mayuu taa gan!
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu ḵ'uuda ga!
Last night, I pretended to sleep.
Last night, I pretended to sleep.
G̱aalaxwa, agang hll ging ḵ'aadii gan.
I saw the sock monster!
I saw the sock monster!
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu hll ḵing gan!
I yelled, “Hey! Stop!”
I chased him around my bedroom with a broom!
I yelled, “Hey! Stop!”
I chased him around my bedroom with a broom!
Hll hlgaamsda, "Ooy, tlaan!"
Hlḵ'awdalwaay ad náa.ah taydaanaay G̱aaduu 'la hll xidging.gwang!
I chased him out the window!
I chased him out the window!
G̱aadagats'aaw.waay ɢ̲iisda 'la hll ginxa gan!
I closed the window.
I closed the window.
G̱aadagats'aaw.waay hll tll ɢ̲aas.sgiidan.
The sock monster is gone.
The sock monster is gone.
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu gaw ga!
My socks are safe.
My socks are safe.
Náa.ah sdaagingsgaay ḵaagan ga.
I keep the broom under my bed.
I keep the broom under my bed.
Náa.ah taydaanaay xidguu hlḵ'awdalwaay hll sdawda.
Sdaaging Ham.mayuu
Sock Monster
Gidɢ̲alang X̱aayda Kil Sk’aadɢ̲a Dii — Children Learning the Haida Language
Haida by Hlɢ̲aagilda X̱aayda Kil Naay — Skidegate Haida Immersion Program (SHIP):
Ḵ'inwas | Winnifred Casey |
Sɢ̲aana Jaads K'yaa Gax̱iigangs | Kathleen Hans |
Ildagwaay | Bea Harley |
Gaayinguhlas | Roy Jones |
Yang Ḵ'aalas | Grace Jones |
Sing.giduu | Laura Jormanainen |
Gwaanjuu Jaad | Doreen Mearns |
Jiixa | Gladys Vandal |
Taalgyaa'adad | Betty Richardson |
Niis Waan | Harvey Williams |
Taw.wa K'aw.was | Patricia Gellerman |
Sgaamsgid | Harold Williams |
Iljuu Xiilaay | Isabel Brillon |
Nang ‘Yuwans K’uujuus | Tony Brooks |
Gidahljuus | Eddy Hans |
Tawguulat | Bernice Lewis |
Yaahldaajii | Gary Russ |
Gaajiiaawa | Linda Tollas |
Skidegate Haida Immersion Program
Audio CD recording by Taalgyaa'adad - Betty Richardson
Story, photos, layout, and project coordination by Kihlgula G̱aaya - Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Coordination and support from Luu Gaahlandaay - Kevin Borserio
With thanks to Gudt’aawt’is - Judson Brown and Ganhlaans and Tiisaan Suzuki-Brown for their participation and help!
Skidegate Haida Immersion Program © March, 2016
This project was supported by:
Chris Taylor