Come to the beach.
Come to the beach with me.
Come with me.
Come to the beach.
Come to the beach with me.
Come with me.
Ǧína láká wíl̓iáx̌vi.
Ǧína láká wíl̓iáx̌vi du núgva.
Ǧína gáx̌ɫáṇƛa.
See the log (on the beach).
See the big log (on the beach).
It is a big log (on the beach).
See the log (on the beach).
See the big log (on the beach).
It is a big log (on the beach).
Dúqvḷá dábisax̌vi.
Dúqvḷá q̓íkasax̌s dábis.
Q̓íkasúx̌vs dábis.
Run to the log.
Run to the big log.
Run to the big log on the beach.
Run to the log.
Run to the big log.
Run to the big log on the beach.
K̓íx̌vḷáxsi láká dábisax̌vi.
K̓íx̌vḷáxsi láká q̓íkasax̌s dábis.
K̓íx̌vḷáxsi láká q̓íkasax̌s dábis la wíl̓iáx̌v.
Run on the log.
Run on the big log.
You can run on the big log.
Run on the log.
Run on the big log.
You can run on the big log.
K̓íx̌ʔṇáxs dábisax̌v.
K̓íx̌ʔṇáxs q̓íkasax̌s dábis.
H̓uá k̓íx̌vʔṇáxs q̓íkasax̌s dábis.
Jump on the log.
Jump on the big log.
Jump on the log.
Jump on the big log.
Txvḷáxsi la dábisax̌v.
Txvḷáxsi la q̓íkásax̌s dábis.
Jump up!
Jump down!
Jump up and down!
Jump up and down on the log!
Jump up!
Jump down!
Jump up and down!
Jump up and down on the log!
Txvḷákƛḷaxs la dábisax̌v!
Play at the beach.
Play at the beach with me.
Play at the beach.
Play at the beach with me.
H̓ṃ́ɫaxsi la wíl̓iáx̌v.
H̓ṃ́ɫaxsi la wíl̓iáx̌v du núgva.