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Smoking Fish Smoking Fish W̓áx̌stut Miá

Written by Karen Hunt, Bradley Hunt

Illustrated by Shirl Hall

Language English

Level Level 1

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The head is cut off. The fins are cut off.

The head is cut off. The fins are cut off.

Qákax̌útsu híxt̓iax̌í. X̌vtṃáx̌asu c̓ṃ́digáyax̌i.

The fish is cut. The top side is cut. It is cut to the stomach.

The fish is cut. The top side is cut. It is cut to the stomach.

K̓iásu miáyax̌i. K̓iásu h̓ík̓utṇx̌i̓ax̌í. K̓iásu̓si láká tk̓iáx̌i.

The lower side is cut. It is also cut to the stomach. Then the backbone is pulled off.

The lower side is cut. It is also cut to the stomach. Then the backbone is pulled off.

K̓iásu wṇ́q̓utṇx̌i̓ax̌i. K̓iásu̓ṃx̌I láká tk̓iáx̌i. Wa li wátax̌útsu̓ila k̓vúzuáx̌i.

The thick flesh is sliced off.

The thick flesh is sliced off.

T̓áɫax̌útsu h̓ṃ́sas miás láxí.

A stick is put on at the middle to keep the fish open. A stick is put across the tail to hang up the fish.

A stick is put on at the middle to keep the fish open. A stick is put across the tail to hang up the fish.

Lákal̓udáyú q̓údṃáx̌I la w̓úy̓ua qṇ ƛpḷáis miáyax̌i. Lakal̓udáyú q̓údṃáx̌I la hc̓x̌di̓á yis miáyax̌I qṇ t̓íkvḷáƛḷay̓u.

The fish are hung up in the smokehouse.

The fish are hung up in the smokehouse.

T̓íkvṃgvustíwásu miáyaxi la w̓áx̌studáilasax̌i.

The wood is chopped for kindling.

The wood is chopped for kindling.

K̓vuáqasu lqváyáx̌I qṇ h̓ám̓ástuay̓u.

The smokehouse fire is lit.

The smokehouse fire is lit.

Lǧvíɫasú w̓áx̌studáilasax̌i.

Written by: Karen Hunt, Bradley Hunt
Illustrated by: Shirl Hall
Language: English
Level 1
Editors: Evelyn Windsor, Anja Brown.
Source: Heiltsuk Language Programme, Wágḷísḷa (Bella Bella), B.C.
License: ?
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